Sometimes the thing that can make a design really pop is choosing the right font. I know designers that agonize over their font choices for hours on end, trying out everything under the sun to make sure they get just the right look. The more choices you have, the better!
Well, the folks over at The Hungry JPEG have put together an amazing font bundle this month. For only $29, you get 49 fonts plus 2 free bonus fonts for a total of 51 incredible looking fonts. Valued at $845, that is something on the order of a 95% discount, but this is only available during August. If this sounds interesting to you, act fast! They've also thrown in a variety of graphics and dingbats for you to play around with.
I encourage you to check out the collection, the detail and quality of the bundle is very impressive.
The fonts are previewed below...click here to download them!