I recently got this gorgeous canvas from Easy Canvas Prints. It has not yet found its home yet in my new place but I just had to tell you all how pleased I am with it. At first, I was little nervous about having one of my photos printed, they're like my little babies and if they weren't going to be done right I didn't want them printed at all. Especially this photo from my favorite photos post. You know it's one of my favorite photos I've ever taken because it means so much to me. The light and tones were edited just the way I wanted them to be. But I really had no reason to be so nervous, Easy Canvas Prints did an absolutely superb job with my photo. The tones were spot on, the quality and the build were so much better than I expected.
I decided to go with the image wrap which looks great with its chunky edges. The people at Easy Canvas Prints were very accommodating and answered every question I had promptly. I'm so pleased with my very first professional print/canvas and I encourage you all to give them a try if you're ever considering a canvas print.